1. Move. - I have moved back into my parents house, and as much as I love them, I long to be back in Pittsburgh.
2. Build a table. - I have plans for a table made out of a pallet with a cast iron sewing machine base. It would of course look great in my new apartment when I move!
3. Paint the RV. - Harley insists on calling it the "murderhome" until we paint it. It's going to be a cool mint green, but I'm not certain on specifics such as how the design is going to look or be accomplished.
4. Make shelves. - I found I really inspiring image on flickr a while ago. I hope to make shelves similar to the ones in the boutique pictured (& to find that image so I can give credit where it is due!)
5. Bake something crazy. - The other week, Natalie made a killer lemon, fig & pistachio cake for her birthday. I wasn't able to be around to try it (plus, I can't have gluten...) but everyone told me about how stellar it was. I normally bake from basic boxes that I get from the discount food store in Quaryville, but I am determined to branch out!
6. Make something nice for someone nice. - I have lots of ideas for this one. Thoughtful handmade gifts for someone for no reason other than to show them you were thinking of them enough to dedicate a chunk of your time (& possibly blood, sweat, and tears) to them (then hope they like it).
7. Visit a city I've never been to before. - For as much as I love cities, and travelling, I haven't seen too many! Maybe I'll go somewhere like Chicago, or Denver. Who wants to come with me?
8. Get a new pet. - This on is dependent on number one. I really want a dog. Especially if I get a place of my own. I spend too many hours browsing the pets online located at the located shelters. I'm thinking a pit bull, the shelters are overwhelmingly full of them.
9. Eat more vegetables/less chocolate. - I do eat a substantial amount of vegetables, but I want to try sneaking them into my baked goods and see how they turn out!
10. Run more. - I used to run six miles three times a week. I am severely out of shape now! But now that I am back at my parents (who have a treadmill) perhaps I can get back up there!
11. Golf with my father. - I've been meaning to do this for years. I don't particularly care for golf, but my father enjoy's it, and I am confident that this would be better than a father-daughter shopping trip.
12. Sew more. - When I was living in Baltimore, I was didn't have any of my sewing things and I was going absolutely crazy! Now that we are reunited, I can work on some original designs, woo!
13. Make jewelry. - I wear the same few pieces of jewelry every day. Hopefully I will spruce up my collection with some handmade pieces.
14. Apply for Project Runway. - I was going to apply two years ago, but I decided it would be wiser to finish my last year of school. This year I just missed the deadline! Next year is mine, watch out!
15. Volunteer. I hate not feeling involved in the community I am in. I want to give back and volunteer more!
16. Acquire drawing skills. - I really don't have any. I used to, but I haven't drawn since high school. I think my fashion sketches would really enjoy not looking like a child completed them! (no, that style is not intential).
17. Learn a new game. - This past year I learned a card game- Nines, and a dice game- Ten Thousand, and I love them both! As faithful as I am to UNO and Scrabble, I would love to learn a new game.
18. Read at least ten books. - During school, I never had much time for leisurely reading. Now that I'm not bound by text books, I can read all the classics I was never required to read in high school or college!
19. Send someone a letter. - Letter are much more fun to write and receive than text messages!
20. More tattoos. - I have plenty of ideas. Currently, not enough money, but I am pretty good at saving!
21. Get a new bike. - For years I was riding a Huffy beach cruiser I had gotten for $40 at a yard sale. I was not suitable for city transportation. In my frustration after my chain came off twice while riding home, I left it outside to be stolen (it worked). I need something lighter that I can carry upstairs, and small enough that I can ride recklessly between cars.
22. Blog/write more. - During school, I seldom had the time to post here or practise any creative writing. I'm not making any promises, but I do hope to improve!
23. Finish at least ten reconstruction (upcycling) projects. - I am notorious for picking up cheap finds at thrift stores that have potential. Most of them use their potential as dust collectors, but no more!
24. Get a job I really enjoy. - I really want to do something in quality control, or get the RV business up & running, or open a boutique! (that last one I plan for later in life)
Wish me luck!
What a lovely bucket list! I'm 24 - just turned in June. I think I will follow some items on your bucket list as well:) especially 6, 9, 10, 19, and 22!
P.S. thanks for following my blog. I'm now following you too:)
maybe you should come to minneapolis.. just sayin
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