Monday, January 23, 2012

This is the last chance you got:

Open wide!
Ok, so those are The Chariot lyrics, but this is my last week in NYC and it is going to be a busy one! I only have Wednesday and Saturday free for the next week and I have to finish preparing for the Fashion Association to come, complete most of the wedding dress so I can fit my client, finish my internship, and cross everything off my to-do list (to which my mom added FOA Schwarz). All while battling an upper respiratory chest infection! With the help of antibiotics, medicine, and the yummy treats my mom packed me, I think I will be most (or at least half) successful! And I'll be sure to update that past few weeks here (although all I did this past weekend was sleep, cough, and blow my nose). Here's to you, last week in NYC!

1 comment:

La Bouilloire Noire said...

I hope you feel better and are able to complete everything. I know how annoying it is when you have lots of stuff to do and you're too sick to do them!

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